Best Manual Lymphatic Therapist Del Mar
A partner to support your healing and lymphatic needs! The Best Manual Lymphatic Therapist Del Mar is located within Body Being in...

Breast Implant Illness & Explant Surgery
Breast Implant Illness Explant Surgery Cause and Treatment *BreastCancer.org Website Breast implant illness (BII) is a term that some...

Happy Valentine's Day
A perfect time of the year to check in with yourself Are You loving Yourself? Love and acceptance are Respectful Compassionate Kind...

Lymphatic Massage The real and the false
The past few months I have received a stream of calls about the service which led me to believe that there are people training and...

Covid-19 Update
Open for Business The 2 Hepa/UV filtration systems in the studio are continually refreshed. The uv bulbs are replaced yearly. Blankets,...

What to expect from Post-Surgery Lymphatic Massage
The do's and don'ts Realities, Misnomers and Misinformation A short synopsis of the lymphatic system Lymphatic fluid begins as plasma as...

Therapeutic Massage Precision vs Force
Therapeutic Massage (TM) Structural Balancing Sports Massage (SBSM) Precision vs Force The purpose of TM is to support soft tissue health...

The Beauty and Power of Manual Lymphatic Drainage
A Soothing, painless, and gentle rhythm The weight of a nickel The rhythm of a heartbeat A milking of the skin with a cross stretch and...

Have the Demands of Motherhood Robbed You of Your Vibrancy and Balance?
The demands of child rearing changes a woman's structure creating long term imbalances that lead to unnecessary injuries later in life. ...

Discovery in the Treatment Room
Benefit of Lymphatic Massage and Myofascial Release for Liposuction Recovery The Dream of a Perfect Body! If your dna doesn't give you...